Один Male в United States, , синглы в Georgia, Atlanta Male

Dave231: looking for the love of my life...
Ищу: женский Возраст 34 в 54
Положение дел: 51 Один Прямо мужчина
Интерес: Брак
Внешность: Белый/Европейская
Проживание: Живи сам
Уловка глаз: Оружие
Высота: 6'2 дюймы
Тело: В среднем
Волосы/Глаза: коричневый, черный
Курение: Ни за что
Напиток: Время от времени
Упражнение 4 раза в неделю
Политика: Никто
Образование: степень бакалавра
Религия: Кристиан
Доход: $15,001 до $25,000
Оккупация: Working As A Civil E
Потомство: Никто
Личность: предприимчивый
Страна: United States

Im a gentle soul, quiet and certainly not what most people would assume a social butterfly. Instead Im the quiet watchful, listener who will provide you with a listening ear after a tough day, and not judge, or assume or tell you what to do. I love nature, and water and feel an especial kinship to just being near water and having water right near my home. I feel the peace of the world in the breeze across the water, the lapping of the waves on the shore, the unassuming nature of water and nature. I am one with nature, and could spend hours just sitting by the beach, river, lake, ocean and stitch, read, listen to music and feel at the end of a day that Ive had an incredible day, i dont smoke, i dont drugs but i use to drink occasionally not every time, a dn if you want me to stop that i can easily take to correction because im not that addicted to it..