Один Female в Malaysia, , синглы в Selangor, kuala lumpur Female

Gabriel14: hello...
Ищу: женский Возраст 28 в 45
Положение дел: 43 Один Прямо женский
Интерес: Партнер по работе
Внешность: Черный/африканец
Проживание: Живи сам
Уловка глаз: рядовые
Высота: 6'2 дюймы
Тело: Атлетик и Тонизирующий
Волосы/Глаза: черный, коричневый
Курение: Ни за что
Напиток: Только социальный
Упражнение Более 4 раз в неделю
Политика: Никто
Образование: Высшее образование
Религия: Нет предпочтения
Доход: $45,001 до $65,000
Оккупация: Did Not Say
Потомство: Никто
Личность: Юмористический
Страна: Malaysia

I am a romantic, caring soul encased in a sensual comforting body, who beleives that peace is possible in troubled times. I beleive in love at first sight and finding out the truth of the universe. My natural state of being is happy and optimistic although I am also very deep, always going within, leaving no stone unturned, seeking nothing while gaining naturally! A romantic at heart, while being very independant, I mostly need hugs, not advice, but I will always listen to and value your opinion... I long to meet someone who also looks within, who is not afraid of going deep to uncover their truth, who can truly communicate what is in their heart with honesty and compassion. I adore women who are sensual, warm, funny, intelligent and affectionate.I am looking for someone full of goodness with a dash of wildness just to keep it interesting! Love, trust, communication, loyalty, friendship, passion. There is nothing in this world quite like the touch of a lover, their breath upon your cheek, their kiss upon your lips. The ideal relationship involves both giving and receiving in all ways, plus plenty of fun and romance..