It doesnt take much to make me happy, the small things in life make it great, but I enjoy traveling I really wish I could spend my life traveling the world, random adventures, the beach, outdoor

Hannah387: serious minded life partner only!...
Ищу: мужчина Возраст 35 в 89
Положение дел: 38 разведенный Прямо женский
Интерес: Партнер по работе
Внешность: Белый/Европейская
Проживание: Живи сам
Уловка глаз: Оружие
Высота: 5'5 дюймы
Тело: Тощий
Волосы/Глаза: Афро, черный
Курение: Ни за что
Напиток: Никогда не трогайте его
Упражнение Назовите меня ленивым
Политика: Никто
Образование: Выпадение средней школы
Религия: агностик
Доход: $25,001 до $45,000
Оккупация: Nurse
Потомство: 1 ребенок
Личность: Застенчивый
Страна: United States

It doesnt take much to make me happy, the small things in life make it great, but I enjoy traveling I really wish I could spend my life traveling the world, random adventures, the beach, outdoor activities of any kind, working out, experiencing new things and cultures, my friends and family, and just generally enjoying life. Im a huge outdoor fan and am also into playing music. Im very much into fitness and being healthy, so finding someone who is as well would be great. Im always doing something new and its always nice to have good company. I enjoy going out with friends, but staying in for a relaxing evening is just as enjoyable wine, a movie.

I Love Watching Movies