I am 510" and 90 lbs. and enjoy travel, boating, camping, watching movies, reading and playing piano. I do not have any tattoos or pierced ears and am a very low maintenance woman. I am older but

Richy74: dr richard needs a good woman...
Ищу: женский Возраст 35 в 90
Положение дел: 49 Никогда не был женат Прямо мужчина
Интерес: Нет ответа
Внешность: Белый/Европейская
Проживание: Живи сам
Уловка глаз: Нет ответа
Высота: 5'10 дюймы
Тело: В среднем
Волосы/Глаза: черный, черный
Курение: Ни за что
Напиток: Никогда не трогайте его
Упражнение Иногда
Политика: Никто
Образование: No Answer
Религия: Нет предпочтения
Доход: Я богат, #$@*!
Оккупация: Consultant
Потомство: Никто
Личность: предприимчивый
Страна: United States

I am 510" and 90 lbs. and enjoy travel, boating, camping, watching movies, reading and playing piano. I do not have any tattoos or pierced ears and am a very low maintenance woman. I am older but I have a little bit of teen age spirit in me. Young at heart offers joy in body and soul.I am an optimistic person. I am a very loyal person and dont flirt and send wrong signals to men. I am respectful of other people’s feelings and treat people the way I want to be treated. I am a straight forward person. Ive learned "Whatever doesnt kill you makes you
stronger". I am getting stronger every day I am a deep and meaningful person. I am unique and a rare find.Its the outer beauty that brings us together and the inner beauty that keeps us together. If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.I am wellread, widely travelled, and can articulate a reasoned, intelligent conversation on a broad range of interests. My dad was my role model and most trusted adviser; he taught me selfconfidence, selfreliance, the value of honour and integrity, to assume responsibility for my own choices and not blame others for my circumstances.I love life. I am grateful for the small things in life. I do not take things for granted.

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