Один Male в Saudi Arabia, , синглы в Ar Riyad, Ryadh Male

Sunnah234: hello...
Ищу: женский Возраст 30 в 40
Положение дел: 59 замужем Прямо мужчина
Интерес: Брак
Внешность: Белый/Европейская
Проживание: Живи сам
Уловка глаз: Глаза
Высота: 5'10 дюймы
Тело: В среднем
Волосы/Глаза: коричневый, коричневый
Курение: Ни за что
Напиток: Никогда не трогайте его
Упражнение Более 4 раз в неделю
Политика: либеральный
Образование: Докторантура
Религия: ислам
Доход: $45,001 до $65,000
Оккупация: Business Owner
Потомство: 1 ребенок
Личность: предприимчивый
Страна: Saudi Arabia

Assalaam Allaikum wa Rehmatullah, In Islam husband is made responsible to bear all expenses and to take care of his wife and kids completely in every respect. I am Sunni Muslim, who follows Sufis like Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Moulana Rumi, Sheikh Saadi ... I follow and practice Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Last Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ ; in my daily life. I offer prayers five times daily and keep fast. Islam is all about humanity and humility. I am responsible, optimistic, honest, caring, friendly, down to earth, consistent and I never give up. I like spending time with family and friends, family is my priority. I am married and have one daughter of 10 years old and we are living happily. In Islam man can get marriages with four women at maximum under certain conditions, I am looking for 2, 3, and 4th wives. I am trying to find my future wives from different countries. We all together will help the needy and the orphan by the Grace of Allah. I know that I can not change the world but I believe that I can change the world of few people, InshaAllah. I am financially stable. I love kids very much and want to have many kids and to make them good human beings. Sooner I will resume my business in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as pandemic goes normal. You are welcome to ask queries, whatever comes in your head and heart, I will reply all happily, I am cool minded man.