i had a relationship before with american guy...who was 55 years old..we dated for 3 years but we broke up for the reason that he couldnt give what i want in life kids and marriage..he has 2 kids with

Sweetchick: true girl looking for relationship...
Ищу: мужчина Возраст 30 в 60
Положение дел: 32 Один Нет ответа женский
Интерес: Брак
Внешность: азиатка
Проживание: Жить с родителями
Уловка глаз: Глаза
Высота: 5'5 дюймы
Тело: В среднем
Волосы/Глаза: черный, черный
Курение: Ни за что
Напиток: Время от времени
Упражнение Нет ответа
Политика: Никто
Образование: Маленький колледж
Религия: Кристиан
Доход: $15,001 до $25,000
Оккупация: Student
Потомство: Никто
Личность: Сумасшедший Sexy Cool
Страна: Philippines

i had a relationship before with american guy...who was 55 years old..we dated for 3 years but we broke up for the reason that he couldnt give what i want in life kids and marriage..he has 2 kids with his ex wife and had visectomy..so decided to let go and try to find the right guy for me..i am here to look for serious relationship and not for game...

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